cloudy pool water

A crystal-clear pool is the epitome of aquatic bliss, but what happens when your pool’s water resembles more of a foggy mystery than a refreshing oasis? Cloudy pool water is a common problem for Florida pool owners year-round and its causes can range from simple to complex. At Swim N Fun, we’ve seen it all. In our experience, we’ve highlight 10 of the top reasons your pool is still murky or cloudy.

  1. Imbalanced Chemistry
    A delicate balance of chemicals is essential for maintaining clear pool water. Imbalances in pH, alkalinity, or sanitizer levels can wreak havoc on water clarity. Testing your pool water regularly and adjusting these chemical levels is a fundamental step in preventing cloudiness. If you’re still at a loss, we would be happy to assess your pool’s chemical balance.
  2. Insufficient Filtration
    We’ve said it before (link) and your pool’s filtration system plays a crucial role in removing impurities. If the filtration system is undersized or not running for an adequate duration, it may struggle to clear the water effectively. Even if your filtration system is the right size and running for the correct amount of time, a dirty filter could undo all that hard work. If you’ve checked these three items and are still running into trouble, you may have an undetected leak.
  3. Poor Circulation
    Proper water circulation is vital for distributing chemicals evenly and preventing stagnation. If your pool lacks adequate circulation, certain areas may become prone to cloudiness. Adjusting the return jets, using a pool brush, and checking to make sure all areas receive proper water flow can address this issue.
  4. Algae Invasion
    Algae are notorious for turning pool water from clear to murky green. Algae growth is often fueled by inadequate sanitation or poor water circulation. Regularly shocking your pool and ensuring proper filtration can help keep these green invaders at bay.
  5. Organic Debris
    Leaves, grass, and other organic debris introduce contaminants that cloud your pool water. Skimming the surface and using a pool cover when the pool is not in use can prevent organic debris from making your pool cloudy. We have a whole list of trees to avoid planting near your pool and we also recommend preventing any grass cutting from being blown into your pool.
  6. High Calcium Hardness
    Excessive calcium levels in your pool water can lead to cloudy conditions. This is particularly common in areas with hard water. Regularly testing and balancing calcium hardness levels can prevent the formation of cloudy water due to calcium scaling. Unchecked calcium can also lead to a sandpapery feel on the bottom or the sides of the pool, which can damage your pool lining.
  7. Contaminated Pool Equipment
    Pool equipment, if not properly maintained, can become a breeding ground for contaminants. Dirty skimmer baskets, clogged pump baskets, or malfunctioning filters can compromise the water’s clarity. Regularly inspecting and cleaning pool equipment is essential to prevent cloudy water caused by internal contaminants.
  8. Weather Woes
    Inclement weather can introduce various elements that affect your pool’s clarity. Heavy rainfall, for instance, can dilute chemical concentrations, while strong winds may carry debris into the pool. Monitoring weather patterns and adjusting your pool maintenance accordingly can help mitigate the impact of nature’s whims.
  9. Bather Load
    The more people using the pool, the greater the introduction of contaminants. Sunscreen, sweat, and other personal care products carried into the pool by swimmers can contribute to cloudy water. Encouraging showering before swimming and maintaining proper sanitizer levels can help manage the effects of bather load.
  10. Excessive TDS
    Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) represent the cumulative concentration of minerals, chemicals, and other impurities in your pool water. As TDS levels rise, water clarity can be compromised. Regularly draining and refilling a portion of your pool water helps control TDS and prevents cloudiness.

In the quest for a clear and inviting pool, understanding the reasons behind cloudiness is the first step toward a solution. Regular maintenance, water testing, and a proactive approach to pool care are the keys to ensuring that your pool remains sparklingly clear. If you have gone through our top 10 reasons and can’t identify the issue, let our experts help.

More about Swim ‘N Fun
While you can do a lot on your own to keep your pool looking good and ready for you whenever you want, sometimes you might need professional help. In fact, we recommend you have your pool serviced at least once a year just to make sure everything is as it should be. Plus, we are really good at checking your equipment such as filters, pumps, and heating systems for major and minor issues.

Swim ‘N Fun offers weekly pool maintenance. Our trained pool technicians service the pool by testing the pool water, balancing the water chemistry, skimming the pool, brushing the pool walls, emptying the baskets, vacuuming the pool as needed, cleaning or backwashing the pool filter as needed, and checking the equipment to ensure that it is running properly. Routine pool maintenance helps a pool owner to save money and time. A properly balanced pool will also help keep swimmers safe and healthy.

Swim ‘N Fun is fully licensed and insured and has been serving Central Florida since 1986. Our pool company is ready to help you with any pool repairs that you may need such as repairing a broken pool pump, pool filter, pool vacuum, pool filtration system or pool lights. Our pool technicians will arrive at your home in our fully stocked service trucks. They will evaluate the problem and then make the repair. Many times, an extensive or expensive pool repair is not needed. No job is too big or too small!

We service all major brands. Let us help you with your pool repairs. Please give us a call at 407-699-5588.
